Frequently Asked Dental Questions – Royal Palm Beach, FL

Ask Your Royal Palm Beach Dentist

Dr. Civetti absolutely loves answering our dental patients’ questions, because when it comes to oral health, knowledge is power. You’re always welcome to give us a call, but before that, be sure to read our responses to some of the most popular questions we receive below.

How often should I go to the dentist?

For most people, regardless of age, about two visits each year is ideal. This allows our team to give someone a checkup and cleaning that will go a long way in preventing small issues from becoming larger headaches. However, for those with ongoing problems like gum disease, we may recommend that they come in a little more often.

Should I be using a manual or electric toothbrush?

A lot of studies have been performed comparing the two main types of toothbrushes, and the data basically says that both are a good choice when it comes to preventing plaque buildup and cavities. What really matters is using the right technique and brushing for an adequate amount of time (two minutes twice a day).

Can I stop flossing because my gums bleed?

In truth, if your gums bleed every time you floss, you might actually need to floss more often! The bleeding is most likely due to inflammation stemming from a minor infection, and flossing can help to minimize it and prevent it from getting worse. After a week or more of consistently flossing once in the evening, if the bleeding continues, be sure to come see us. This might be a sign that the infection needs to be professionally treated.

What will happen if I haven’t been to the dentist for a LONG time?

If you can’t remember the last time you went to the dentist, don’t worry, we won’t judge you for it. If anything, we’ll praise you for coming to see us and taking control of your oral health! We’ll give you an exam and ask you questions like we would for any other patient because we want you to feel comfortable right from the beginning with us.

Will you accept my dental insurance?

Most likely yes, as we’re able to accept all PPO dental insurance plans regardless of the provider. If you would like to know more about how you can use your coverage with us, just give us a call, and we’ll be happy to go over your plan with you.

How can I pay for my dental care without dental insurance?

You can space out your out-of-pocket costs with little-to-no interest financing with CareCredit, or you can sign up for our in-house wellness plan. Both of these options can make your dental expenses much easier to manage, and they can be tailored to suit your situation as well. Be sure to ask us about them so you don’t have to worry when you come to see us!